

Monday 5 December 2016

The oldest girl Titan was Theia. She loved sparkly things and bright scenic views. She became the Titan of clear sight. Because she was all about bright and glittery,she ended up marrying Hyperion,the Lord of Light.

Her sister Themis was totally different.She was quiet and thoughtful and never tried to draw attention to herself. She had a natural sense of right and wrong. She understood what was fair and what wasn’t. She had good reputation among her brothers and sisters. She became the Titan of natural law and fairness.

Third sister,Tethys,loved rivers,springs,and fresh running water of any kind.She was very kind,always offering her siblings something to drink. Tethys thought of herself as the nursemaid for the whole world. She ended up marrying Oceanus, which was kind of a no-brainer,‘ Hey, you like water? I like water too! We should totally go out!’

Phoebe,the fourth sister,lived right in the geographic center of the world,which for the greeks meant the "Oracle of the Delphi" - a sacred spring where she could sometimes hear whispers of the future if you knew how to listen.Phoebe,her name meant bright,and she always looked into the positive side of things. Phoebe ended up marrying Koios,the northern dude,because he also had the gift of prophecy. Later,Phoebe’s grandson,a boy named Apollo,took over the Oracle. Because he inherited her powers, Apollo was sometimes called Phoebe Apollo.
The fifth Lady Titan was Mnemosyne - was born with a photographic memory long before anyone knew what a photograph was. She remembered everything from the birth dates to feeding the cats, every single thing. Just to be helpful,she invented letters and writing. She became the Titan of memory

Finally,There was sister number six,Rhea.She was the sweetest and the most beautiful of the Lady titans.Her name either means flow or ease.She loved animals,too. Her favorite was the Lion. She became the Titan of motherhood.She adored babies and helped her sisters during their delivery.

Kronos,The Lord of the Universe secretly had a crush on Rhea.He ended up marrying her.They had a beautiful baby girl together but what kept running on his mind was,"The curse of his father,Ouranos."

On the next blog you will learn more about the curse of Ournos.If it was actually true? Or was it?